






TILL HE COMES is excited to offer our listeners a free subscription to a podcast of our sermons. As with everything else on TILL HE COMES, this new service is being offered at no cost to you.


New to Podcasting?

To subscribe to podcasts you will need “podcatcher” software to receive your podcasts.  There are several programs available for free such as iTunes, Doppler, or ipodderx.

To subscribe to a podcast in iTunes, the most commonly used podcasting program, either click here , or follow these steps:

  1. Copy the following URL:
  2. In iTunes go to Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast
  3. Paste the URL into that window and click “OK.”

The podcast will appear in your podcast library.  Double-click the name of the Podcast to download and listen to the latest program.  If you use a portable audio player, then programs will automatically be synchronized to your device.


Useful Resources

What is a Podcast? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcasting
Yahoo Podcast FAQ  http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/podcasts/index.html
iTunes Podcast Info.     http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/




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